I, Tommy Grammer, Owner and Training Director of MyDogTrainingSpot.com, and operator of this website, www.mydogtrainingspot.com, want to thank you for visiting.
This site, www.mydogtrainingspot.com, is owned and operated by Tommy Grammer.
We want your visit to be a pleasurable one. For this reason we have incorporated this document – "Terms"
This document may be referred to using alternative verbiage including, but not limited to: "Website Terms of Use", "Website Terms and Conditions", "Terms and Conditions", or simply "Terms". Any alternative wording still refers to this document.
For purposes herein our website, www.mydogtrainingspot.com, maybe referred to as "website", or "Site".
These Terms constitute the entire Agreement for our Site Terms of Use and only include a small portion of our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy in its entirety is contained in a separate document of our website.
These Terms will not be superseded by any other content on our Site, or any other literature or materials.
Please understand that by visiting our site: www.mydogtrainingspot.com, you are agreeing to these Site Terms of Use. These Terms are effective when you enter our site for the very first time. If you do not agree with these Terms, then you should exit our site immediately.
The remainder of these Terms are as follows:
Our Site Is Copyrighted
- All content, or works, within our Site, are protected by copyright.
- All content, or works, of www.mydogtrainingspot.com, include but are not limited to the following: our blog, graphics, images, photographs, banners, text, html or any other programming code(s), database(s) or any data within any database(s) associated, or working in conjunction with this site.
- No copying, altering, republishing, recompiling, reverse-engineering, distributing, hacking, rendering this Site or any portion of it useless, selling any content or portion of it, or in any way tampering with this Site, is allowed by anyone at anytime.
- You may not save, or "back up", any content or portion of this Site to any type of storage device including but not limited to Hard Drives, CDs, DVDs, or floppy disks.
- You may not upload, download or transmit in any way, either online or offline, either in electronic or hardcopy format any content, or any portion of our Site. Likewise, some content, material or work, such as reports, or informational material may be able to be downloaded, saved or printed. If this is the case, instructions will be provided on this Site to inform you of the procedure(s) to download, save or print the information. Any such materials are protected by their own copyright, if applicable, and you must abide by those laws as stated within the information that you download, save or print. If they are not accompanied by their own copyright, then you shall consider them to be copyrighted under these Terms.
- In some cases, we may use materials, such as photographs or images, that we have purchased the right to use, have been given permission to use, or have downloaded free of charge from other websites. In such cases, these graphics are still protected by our copyright in that you may not copy, download or distribute them.
- If you find content, material or works, within our site that you would like to use for a particular reason, you may request permission by contacting us using the contact information located in the Contact Information section below or by email: info@mydogtrainingspot.com.
Our Site Is "As Is"
You are using this Site at your own risk. Although we try to keep it up to date and problem-free, we will not accept responsibility for any damages that may be incurred by visiting this Site. These may include but are not limited to:
- Any inability to connect to, or locate, this Site. If our Site does not display, then you should try again to connect to it at a later time.
- Any slow loading pages or any problems with your connection to this Site.
- Any problem, including a virus, that might affect your computer, dial-up or line connection, or other equipment, while you are visiting our Site.
- Any inability on our part to meet your expectations of our Site or the content of our Site.
- Any errors or omissions within the content of this Site.
- Any information, including but not limited to: reports, or data in electronic format, that is able to be downloaded by you. This applies to their accuracy and their content.
- Any links that may not be working properly within our Site or to other sites from our Site.
- Any links from other sites to our Site that may not be working properly.
- Any content or material that you might find to be offensive to you.
- Any content or material on any site(s) we link to or that link to us.
- Any losses, either financial, physical or emotional, that you might have incurred because you accessed the Internet and/or this Site, even if you accessed it by our recommendation.
- Any loss of data that you might have submitted to us through any of our pages, including email messages.
- Any damages caused because of power failures, acts of nature, viruses, or hackers.
- Any negligent act or error caused by us or one of our employees, our web developers, server companies or their employees, that might cause you damages or loss of any kind.
In short, you are in agreement and understand that we make no warrantees or guarantees, with regard to your visit to www.mydogtrainingspot.com.
Links To and From Our Site
- MyDogTrainingSpot.com is very meticulous about the sites we link to and those that link to our site. If you would like to link to this Site then you must obtain our permission by writing to us at info@mydogtrainingspot.com. We reserve the right to refuse your request.
- Please understand, before you contact us that, we will not allow you to link to our Site if your business or your site portrays that you may be involved in promoting pornography, adult-themes, hate, terrorism or crimes of any kind including but not limited to hacking, spam, or other software, internet or email crimes. This also includes crimes against children.
- Our Site may contain links to other sites. In some cases, you may also find links on our Site to other business' websites promoting their services, products and/or materials. In no way do we accept liability or responsibility for them, their actions, or their products, services or materials.
Posting To Our Site
- Any information that you post to our Site, belongs to us as soon as it's posted. Posting information includes but is not limited to completing any of our Site's form pages, or sending an email to us.
- You agree not to post any information that pertains to pornography, adult-themes, hate, terrorism or crimes of any kind including but not limited to hacking, spam, or other software, Internet or email crimes. This also includes crimes against children.
- For more information about Posting To Our Site, or our Privacy Practices in general, please review our Privacy Policy
- Either party, MyDogTrainingSpot.com or you, may terminate this Agreement at any time with written notification. To terminate your Agreement with our Site's Terms of Use, simply email us: info@evergreenschoolfordogs.com.
- Even after termination, this Agreement remains in effect. This means that you are still bound by the Terms. You are still unable to violate any of these Terms including but not limited to our copyright notices, posts made to our Site, or links to our Site.
- Terminating our Website's Terms will not affect or terminate any other agreements you may have with MyDogTrainingSpot.com. Such agreements are not governed by these Terms, but are considered to be separate and apart from this document.
- You should send any disputes to us by email to the address included within the section "Contact Information" below.
- Should any legal action or mediation be required, such action will take place in the State of Washington, in the United States of America. Such action will be taken in a court of law that has jurisdiction to arbitrate the action.
Contact Information
You may contact MyDogTrainingSpot.com as follows:
By Snail Mail:
24914 27TH AVE NE
Arlington, WA 98223
By Email:
By Telephone:
Thank you again for visiting our website.
Tommy Grammer, Owner/Training Director

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